Tajana Dedić – Starović (Artist At Camera, 26) is a self-taught professional photographer and videographer from Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Sugar, spice & everything nice. Glitter lover, pornographer, and self-explorer. Lover of women's body and color pink. Explorer of femininity and sexuality, but also everyday situations and daily routines presented in distorted ways.
By now, Tajana have had few group shows and three solo exhibitions:
Solo shows:
- "Znakovi odrastanja" - Kulturni centar Banski dvor, Banja Luka, 2019.
- “Sugar, spice & everything nice” – art caffe Zoom, Belgrade, 2018.
- Artist At Camera | U Prostoru – Banja Luka, art gallery “Prostor”, 2016.
Group shows:
- “Won’t Take Down The Lights” - Los Angeles, “The Junior High” gallery, 2018.
- "Space" - Littlefield gallery, New York, 2017
- Festival “Dev9t” - Belgrade, 2015.-2017.
- “She is art: Art, Ars, Femininium” & “Life, Death, Dream” - art
cinema Kriterion, Sarajevo, 2016.
In her spare time, Tajana volunteers as a creative director in alternative gallery “Prostor”, Banja Luka.
Tajana is a proud owner of a Bachelor's Degree in Psychology.
Since 2017. her work is represented by American talent agency, Adolescent Content. Yet, she never sold her soul, it stands somewhere between her stomach and diaphragm.