Interview for my representative agency, Adolescent Content, based in Los Angeles, USA. Keep reading here to learn why I strive to make my work sexual and jarring, and why I love incorporating psychology into my photos.
Adolescent Member
"Tajana Dedić-Starović, takođe poznata kao Artist At Camera je počela da se bavi fotografijom pre desetak godina, u periodu kada je završavala osnovnu školu. Još tada je zaključila da joj prija izražavanje kroz vizuelne medije i da tako može da prikaže realnost na jedan specifičan način. Vremenom je njen hobi postajao sve ozbiljniji, kako je Tajana i sama rasla kroz fotografski rad." Intervju za srpsko izdanje portala Vice, pročitaj ovde.
"This series explores auto-erotic and sexual parts of our conscious self. All of the photos are self-portraits. I believe that sexuality plays a big role in our lives and how we experience ourselves and the others. It says a lot about our preferences and hidden fears. It is important to explore our own sexuality in order to understand ourselves completely, and there is no better way to do it, but when you're alone." Check out my work published in REKT magazine here.
REKT magazine
"The series is called “#lonelyforyouonly” and explores some of the destructive feelings that appear after a certain breakup. Also, it challenges body stereotypes and insecurities of young women that find themselves in toxic relationships." Check out my work published in NAKID magazine here.